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3-D Printing Technology

Although 3-D printers are still in their beginning stages, the possibilities for what they can do, especially for the fashion industry, are endless. Not to mention, 3-D printers can add a customization factor into designs-a large part of the future of fashion. Other ways that 3-D printers can be useful are in economic and production means-the printers offer a cheaper alternative. Developing countries can especially benefit from 3-D printers, not just economically, but from what the printers actually produce (for example, glasses for the visually-impaired). The printers are convenient for those who do not have access to resources but finally can in the comfort of their own home, or their neighbor's home.

I think the 3-D printers are an awesome idea! I also think that they can work in not just the fashion industry, but in pretty much any industry. I do have a soft spot in my heart for the science/medical field and prosthetic limbs. Since 3-D printers allow for customization on top of that, I can only imagine what is possible for those who require specific needs. I also think the printers are helpful for developing countries, but can be a useful invention for anyone around the globe, no matter what economic status or background they have. Honestly, could you imagine if a 3-D printer (or some form of it) was in every home across the globe? I can totally see this dominating the world in the future. What I like the most is that this kind of invention can unite us on a global level because these printers are not just for one specific person or one specific industry, this can also revolutionize our human connection as a whole.

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